While the pediatric Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Program, or BPD, at UF Health is fairly new, our teams are already making great strides to create continuity of care for infants suffering from chronic lung disease. The pulmonary team, led by Sylvia Delgado, M.D., is focused on diagnosing BPD and treating premature babies who have the condition, which can affect their growth, development, and social functioning. Our board-certified pulmonologists first encounter these babies in the neonatal ICU at UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital prior to their discharge, and they work with our NICU BPD team, which is led by Catalina Bazacliu, M.D. The providers and staff from our pediatric pulmonology division arrange for outpatient follow-up appointments after discharge. As part of their follow-up care, infants are likely to be seen by a dietitian, who is available to help with nutritional intake and dietary needs.
Our teams work together to create an easy transition from the NICU to the outpatient practice, and they provide continuity of care to our patients. Our providers collect and study data from each infant to continue improving care.