First Appointment
To schedule a first appointment in a pediatric pulmonary specialty clinic, new patient referrals can be called or faxed into the referral center. Records from a referring physician should be provided to assure scheduling in the appropriate clinic.
Phone: (352) 273-8380
Fax: (352) 627-4415
Return Appointments
Return appointments may be made by calling (352) 273-8380
Sleep Disorders Program Returns
Return appointments, cancellation or rescheduling of sleep clinic appointments should be directed to (352) 273-7900.
Please call (352) 273-8380 if you must cancel an appointment.
Sleep Disorders Program Cancellations
We ask the courtesy of a week’s notice for cancellation so the clinic opening may be used for another patient. Please call (352) 273-7900 to cancel your appointment
Before Your Visit
Please fill out the appropriate pre-clinic questionnaire linked below.
Map & Directions
Pediatric Pulmonary clinics are held in the Shands Medical Plaza located at 2000 Archer Rd. You may park in the garage to the east of the building. If you take the elevator to the second floor and, turn right you will find the Pediatric Specialties Clinics where you can check-in for your appointment. When you check out after your appointment, please ask the clerk for a parking voucher to avoid paying a $10 parking fee.