The PPC collaborates with and provides consultation to Title V and other MCH agencies at the local, state, regional, and national levels in order to improve child health outcomes in our region. Trainees have the opportunity to be involved with advocacy, training, policy development, research, and clinical excellence through the activities of this center. Examples of important collaborations are highlighted below.
- Collaboration with Children’s Medical Services (CMS) includes direct care and care coordination for CSHCN, providing in-person and distance education programs, evaluation of client satisfaction, and patient advocacy. PPC faculty are collaborating with CMS at the state level in the development of the Florida Family Leaders’ Network.
- The PPC collaborates with the Suwannee River Area Health Education Center on providing educational programs for a variety of health care professionals including those in rural settings where training is less available.
- PPC nutrition trainees and faculty developed a cookbook with recipes specifically geared towards foods that are provided in the Catholic Charities Food Pantry.
- The PPC faculty nurse is collaborating with community members in improving asthma care in Alachua County. She also participates as a member of the Florida Asthma Coalition, serving on the Hospital, Home visiting, School and Daycare and Provider Workgroups. Through this coalition the nurse faculty mentors school districts in eight Florida counties. She is a certified Open Airways Instructor through the American Lung Association and a Certified Asthma Educator and has led the effort to increase the number of Certified Asthma Educators at UF Health by offering preparatory courses for the certification exam.
- Collaboration with Title V and non-Title V Maternal and Child Health agencies is facilitated by our Community Advisory Board (CAB). The CAB comprises representatives of local community agencies, including Medicaid, Children’s Medical Services, WIC, the UF Colleges of Nursing and Education, Catholic Charities, Ronald McDonald House, and several more organizations.
- Nationally, faculty provide leadership in collaborative programs that make a difference in the care of children, such as Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Evidence Analysis project on Cystic Fibrosis, revision of the MCHB Competencies, education for family leaders and family caregivers, They conduct MCHB and HRSA grant reviews, site visits and consultation to State Title V programs. They also participate in national collaborative research efforts.
- The six national PPCs have collaborated to develop two online educational modules: Sleep Education Modules.