The PPC Nursing Internship is designed for graduate-level nursing students seeking to further their understanding of pediatric pulmonary medicine in an interdisciplinary care model. Additional opportunities exist in areas of advocacy, quality improvement, leadership and public policy.
This placement combines structured leadership competencies with flexible, student-driven learning initiatives. Students are given the opportunity to work with advanced practice nurses, physicians, physician assistants, pulmonary fellows, nutritionists, social work and clinical psychology and family partners. Throughout this placement, interns actively engage in outpatient clinical case management, develop targeted treatment goals, document patient interactions, participate in local, state, and national healthcare collaborations, advance their understanding of systems-level change, and develop the skills necessary to work in a variety of clinical work settings.
Former interns of this program have gone on to work in academic and private sectors, non-profit leadership, government, schools, and more.
This placement typically fulfills educational requirements for nursing programs and has short, middle and long-term openings. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis for Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters.
Those interested in learning more about the program are welcome to contact Dawn Baker DNP, APRN, CPNP-BC, AE-C, CCRC.