CF Foundation
The mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, a nonprofit donor-supported organization, is to assure the development of the means to cure and control cystic fibrosis and to improve the quality of life for those with the disease.
Family Café
The Family Café exists to provide individuals with disabilities and their families with an opportunity for collaboration, advocacy, friendship and empowerment by serving as a facilitator of communication, a space for dialogue and a source of information.
Camp Boggy Creek
A year round camp for seriously ill children, it offers week-long summer sessions for the children and family retreat weekends for the whole family. There is no charge to the children or families who come to Boggy Creek.
Consumers Advancing Patient Safety
A partnership between consumers and providers to create global healthcare systems that are safe, compassionate and just.
The Joint Commission
An independent, not-for-profit organization, The Joint Commission accredits and certifies over 22,000 health care organizations and programs in the United States. Joint Commission accreditation and certification is recognized nationwide as a symbol of quality that reflects an organization’s commitment to meeting certain performance standards.
New Health Partnerships
In this community you will find information and support to improve the lives, care, and health of people with long-term conditions. This site is for patients, family members, and health care providers who want to work together as partners to promote collaborative self-management in health care.
World Alliance on Patient Safety
The Alliance raises awareness and political commitment to improve the safety of care and facilitates the development of patient safety policy and practice in all WHO Member States. Each year, the Alliance delivers a number of programmes covering systemic and technical aspects to improve patient safety around the world.
Institute for Family Centered Care
The Institute for Family-Centered Care provides leadership to advance the understanding and practice of patient- and family-centered care in hospitals and other health care settings.
National Center for Medical Home Initiatives for Children with Special Healthcare Needs
The National Center of Medical Home Initiatives for Children with Special Needs provides support to physicians, families, and other medical and non-medical providers who care for children with special needs so that they have access to a medical home.
UF Interdisciplinary Family Health (IFH) Wheel
The Health Information Wheel is a representation of a person’s overall health using spokes to convey a number of important aspects of wellness. Individuals can use these aspects and their extensions to help evaluate and improve their overall health and wellness.
United Way Resource Database
It is a quick guide to community resources and is used by mental health professionals, doctors, social workers, ministers, teachers and others who are in the business of helping people.
Family Involvement Consultant

Angela Miney
Angela Miney is a part-time Family Involvement Consultant in the Pediatric Pulmonary Center (PPC) at the University of Florida, funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau. In employing Family Consultants the PPC wished to ensure that its goal of training leaders in the interdisciplinary, community-based, culturally competent care of children with chronic pulmonary diseases would be family-centered. In her capacity as a family partner, Angela has helped to establish the Family Advisory Board (FAB) which advises PPC on family-related issues. Angela also lectures students on family-centered care as part of the PPC’s core curriculum and has talked at and participated in conferences on living and dealing with children with chronic illnesses, including Florida Institute for Family Involvement(FIFI) conference, Juvenile Arthritis Education day, and Family Café, a conference for children with special health care needs. She is also responsible for building a network of contacts with Pediatric Pulmonary Centers nationally and other family-centered organizations to ensure that the PPC at UF remains at the forefront of family-centered care practices. She is a family member on the Family-Centered and Family Directed Practices Workgroup, an MCH Training Program.
Angela began her career in Human Resources in Ireland and subsequently spent a number of years living and working in sub Saharan and West African countries. In the last five years, she has been a stay-at-home mom, caring for a daughter with Juvenile Arthritis. Additionally, she has been involved in many volunteer opportunities at her daughters’ school, including leadership roles in their major fundraisers and is currently chair of the School Advisory Board.